Author Archive

Synchronicity and Addiction

February 18, 2017

I have heard the word synchronicity used to describe events that are both commonplace and divine. These spiritual occurrences provide us with an opportunity to awaken. Often, these occurrences are vital moments that begin our journey towards healing. Synchronicity is a term that is frequently used to represent the process of experiences coming together and…

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The Argument for Grief

October 20, 2016

We were reminded of how powerful—and strangely beautiful—the act of grieving can be when we saw artist Taryn Simon’s piece, “An Occupation of Loss,” which was performed by professional mourners from around the world. Of course, no such role exists in our culture, and grief remains one of the darkest, most difficult emotions to take…

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5 Signs You Might Have Nightmare Disorder

April 6, 2016

As an adult, the occasional nightmare is totally normal; we all have dreams that give us the chills every once in a while. But if you consistently find yourself jolting awake, movie-style, from dreams about puppies biting your face off and desperately avoiding one-eyed serial killers, it could be a sign of nightmare disorder —…

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What’s Your Archetype? (And Why It Matters.)

March 22, 2016

It is one of the tenets of being human that we are all inclined to “be” a certain way—and then cling to that identity. But where do those original definitions come from? Below, Carder Stout, a Jungian psychotherapist who practices in Los Angeles, explains their primordial origins—and what we can all do to ensure that…

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