Archive for the “Addiction” Category

Interview with Dr. Carder Stout of ‘Lost in Ghost Town’

May 28, 2020

Before he became a noted Hollywood psychologist, Carder Stout, PhD, lived a privileged life that gradually descended from elite Manhattan private schools into crack addiction and running drugs for an LA gang. Here, he tells Purist about the journey, and offers a peek at his searing memoir of addiction, redemption and hope in unlikely places….

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Lost in Ghost Town with Carder Stout

April 27, 2020

On today’s episode of The Addicted Mind Podcast, Duane speaks with author Carder Stout about his book, Lost in Ghost Town, the story of his addiction and recovery. Duane also addresses the difficulty of the ongoing COVID-19 situation by starting a campaign of stories trying to spread hope in a time of darkness.

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Baltimore Sun Book Review

March 29, 2020

Addition trumps privilege in Carder Stout’s vivid memoir “Lost in Ghost Town: A Memoir of Addition, Redemption, and Hope in Unlikely Places.” Written with excruciating truth and visceral fear, desperation and despair, Stout takes us into the incapacitating strangle-hold of additional and the battle to overcome it. Continue reading >

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